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An updated list of the proposed projects can be found on GitHub - let us know if you are interested in one of those by commenting the project issue with your contact! If you have an idea for a new project, just open a new issue!

The datasets available from CUBRIC are the following:

  • the MICRA dataset (available on - Koller et al., 2020;
  • a multi-TE diffusion-weighted MRI dataset (available on request) - Tax et al., 2021;
  • the WAND dataset (available on request) - that include multi-shell diffusion-weighted MRI at high and ultra-high b-values, relaxometry, quantitative magnetization transfer (from the Connectom scanner), resting-state fMRI, and quantitative susceptibility mapping (from the 7T scanner);
  • diffusion-weighted MRI data acquired on the Hyperfine low-field scanner (available on request) - with diffusion-weighted volumes acquired using up to three orthogonal directions (b = 900 s/mm2; average TE = 90 ms);
  • the prostate dataset (available on request) - that include multi-shell diffusion-weighted MRI at high and ultra-high b-values (from the Connectom scanner), as well as multi-shell diffusion-weighted MRI acquired on a clinical scanner (Phillips).

Registration is still open!

The CONNECThon is a medical imaging hackathon event taking place right before the Annual Meeting of the Interational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). The goal of this hackathon is to bring together researchers with disparate backgrounds to collaborate on open science projects in neuroimaging, with a focus on unique data collected using the Siemens CONNECTOM scanner, one of the most powerful MRI scanner for in vivo human brain microstructure mapping housed at the Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC). The event will take place in-person at CUBRIC (Cardiff, UK).

Dates: May
4-6, 2022

Costs: Free!

Location: CUBRIC, Cardiff, United Kingdom

Our speakers

Juan Eugenio Iglesias

Harvard Medical School

Daniel Topgaard

Lund University

The CONNECThon is generously sponsored By:

Cardiff University
Wellcome Trust